Remembering at 15 years

Aug 22, 2024 | Community, News

On Target

Dear Friends,

This past spring, TCF celebrated 15 years of amazing achievement in rare cancer research. We have so much to be proud of, and I am. But today is a more difficult anniversary. Fifteen years ago today, our founder, my husband Paul Poth, died of cholangiocarcinoma at age 39.

As many of you know, he was told there were no treatment options for his cancer and little research focused on it, just because it was rare. Paul committed himself in his last months to change this and I believe we have far surpassed what he ever imagined the small foundation he started around the kitchen table could do.

Some have said to me that ‘everything happens for a reason’ but I will never agree with this. There is no reason that a 39 year old healthy new father should lose his life to cancer. I think this every time a new patient enrolls in our TRACK clinical trial. There is no reason anyone should face this. After having the privilege of meeting so many patients and families over 15 years, what I do agree with is how important it is to find meaning from such a devastating, senseless, and life changing experience like cancer. Paul knew that there was work to do to help other patients and families and that work would help to create meaning for all of us.

Since 2010 I have sat down each August 22 to write to the TCF community and remember Paul as our founder. As I look ahead to the future, my family and I will acknowledge this day privately. However, our mission will always be to carry on Paul’s legacy and the goals he set in motion. Thank you for being a part of this community and for helping us every day to create meaning, purpose, and healing through TCF’s work.

With gratitude for this community,

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Kristen Palma, President
TargetCancer Foundation