While TargetCancer Foundation does not focus on any one specific rare cancer — we tackle common challenges shared across all rare cancers — we are proud to support certain rare cancer-specific research efforts as part of our larger research portfolio.

Cholangiocarcinoma Sample shown in research lab

Cholangiocarcinoma Research

One of our founding goals was to change the research landscape for cholangiocarcinoma. We have done this through a long-term commitment to the Bardeesy Lab at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, the establishment of a Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Line Bank, and targeted investments in driver mutation research.

Dr Adam Bass, shown in labratory

Esophageal Cancer Research

Through targeted research grants and scientific meetings, we have worked to improve the understanding and treatment of esophageal cancer.

Evan Schumacher

Evan Schumacher Fund for Rare Cancer Research

The projects supported by the Schumacher Fund represent novel approaches to researching rare cancers with cutting-edge tools and support for bright young scientists.

Other Past Funding Initiatives

Center for Molecular Therapeutics at Massachusetts General Hospital

TCF Medical Student Research Fund at Harvard Medical School