Announcing New 2018 Grants

Apr 11, 2018 | Research & Innovation, Advocacy & Policy

As our programs at TargetCancer Foundation continue to expand, we remain committed to our primary mission of funding innovative rare cancer research.

We are excited to announce three new grants totaling over $160,000, supporting projects that accelerate progress towards treatments for those facing rare cancers.

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An ongoing commitment to esophageal cancer research
Since 2012, TargetCancer Foundation has supported Dr. Adam Bass’s research into esophageal cancer at the at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. We are excited to continue that support in 2018 by awarding a new, $100,000 grant.

Our funding for Dr. Bass’s work has taken many forms over the years, including genomic studies, studies into the effectiveness of immunotherapy, and clinical trial support. As his work continues to progress, we are excited to fund a new project that builds on the findings of these previous initiatives, and creates new research models that address the role of chromosomal instability in esophageal cancer.

Dr. Bass is propelling the esophageal cancer research field forward, and providing hope for new effective treatments. We are proud to continue our longstanding commitment to his work.




Creating a new cholangiocarcinoma research infrastructure
Last year, the Evan Schumacher Fund for Rare Cancer Research at TargetCancer Foundation was created collaboratively between TargetCancer Foundation and the friends and family of Evan Schumacher, who died of cholangiocarcinoma at age 46 in 2015.

The Fund has provided its first grant of $50,000 in support of cholangiocarcinoma research to Dr. James Cleary and Dr. Sri Raghavan at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. This grant creates a new cholangiocarcinoma research pipeline at Dana-Farber to collect patient specimens and create critical research tools which will inform the future development of treatments.

We are grateful to the Schumacher family for their partnership, and are excited to continue this work with them.



A collaborative effort
Through an international collaboration with AMMF: The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity (UK)The Bili Project Foundation, and The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, we have co-funded a $50,000 Conquer Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award in cholangiocarcinoma.

This prestigious grant provides one year of support for an early stage investigator studying cholangiocarcinoma, with the hope that it will set the recipient on a course to pursue cholangiocarcinoma studies throughout their career. We will share more information on the grant recipient and the research project after a formal announcement is made in June 2018.


This is only the first round of grants, and we’re excited to continue funding research throughout the year.

This work is only possible through the help of our community. You can support the next round of grants by making a donation today.