Pradip De, MS, PhD

Interpretative Genomic Biologist, Avera Cancer Institute Center for Precision Oncology
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine

Over the course of a 25-year career in cancer research that includes both industry and academia, Dr. Pradip De has authored more than 72 peer-reviewed articles, editorials, and book chapters. He has presented his research at several international conferences with over 155 accepted abstracts. Dr. De reviews original research articles for several journals including FEBS letters, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, British Journal of Cancer, Oncologist and Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.

In his role with Avera Cancer Institute as well as VieCure, and in light of his superb comprehension of oncogenic signaling pathways, Dr. De supports the development, maintenance, testing and validation of sequence-guided oncology treatment rules. These codified clinical rules enable the translation of patient specific data into actionable knowledge for physicians.